Last week, I went to Surabaya-Indonesia with my friend. Initially, there was no inkling that something bad will happen to me. I went to Surabaya at a half past eight from my friend's house (Jombang-Indonesia). We went to Surabaya by a motorcycle. I ride my motorcycle with high speed. Highway looks crowded and busy. When I arrived in the city of Mojokerto, I passed the freeway. There are Police Station at the corner T-junction which I have passed. I do not know if after I passed, the police were after me and ordered me out of the way to stop. At that time, I was very confused. "What have I done? What's wrong with me?" I said. The police immediately asked for a Vehicle Registration (STNK) and driving license (SIM).
Wayang Mbah Gandrung
Salah satu jenis kesenian wayang kayu yang hanya dapat dijumpai di Kabupaten Kediri. Wayang ini tergolong unik karena masih asli dari 300 tahun yang lalu. Selain itu banyak sekali ditemui hal-hal yang mistis dalam berbagai pertunjukannya.
Di balik layar Pewayangan
Salah satu adegan dalam pagelaran wayang kulit di daerah Doko-Kediri dengan dalang dari Solo.
Situs Tondowongso di balik rimbunnya rerumputan
Situs Tondowongso adalah salah satu situs candi peninggalan kerajaan Hindu Khadiri yang telah lama ditemukan. Akan tetapi sampai sekarang masih menjadi problem dalam pengungkapan nilai kesejarahaannya.